Physiology First Ambassador Academy Day 14: Test time!
In today’s lesson I’m including the ISA video that I mistakenly added in yesterday — thanks for the heads up, Samantha!
By this stage of the program you know how to coach a simple breathing and stress management workshop as well as a simple workout with Physiology First principles.
Learning any more without APPLYING what you’ve already learned is the trap that the majority of health and fitness educators make-they continue to learn concepts that they have no practical experience in applying to audiences outside of the fitness community.
They chase certifications and acronyms to place next to their name without mastering the ability to organize their community, communicate with diverse groups, and master the simple art of teaching the people who need what you have to offer.
In order to move forward with the Ambassador Academy you’ll need to do two things:
1.) Study the material you’ve learned so far and get ready for a short test of concepts tomorrow.
2.) Make an effort to reach out to at least 3 community organizations, schools, clubs, gyms, or groups and offer your simple breathing workshop.
If you have any trouble making connections in the community now you want to assess that before going farther down the learning rabbit hole.
You are your strongest now, before you end up using terminology that no one else understands and diving into concepts that no one could care less about. You can connect with your community now and help them make an impact on their mental and physical health. The only thing standing in your way is fear. We can help with the logistics but we each have to cross the bridge of fear on our own.
Once you complete the test tomorrow and reach out to at least 3 community organizations we’ll continue diving into movement mechanics.
You’ll learn how to program group classes, which exercises work best for each ISA type, and how to market your workshops to schools and organizations in order to earn an income from your work.
You have value to offer to your community and the ability to earn money for your time is a necessary step for extending that impact into long term community programs.
Study up and let’s have some fun with tomorrow’s test!!
(Here’s the ISA video that should have been switched out with yesterday’s lesson.)